Seattle Laser Facial Services

A laser facial is a customized treatment to target your face’s particular needs. Using our KTP and Nd-Yag lasers, pigmentation spots, cherry angiomas (red dots), and broken blood vessels (telangiectasias) are treated individually. A collagen stimulation treatment can also be done using the Nd-Yag laser. For pigmentation treatments and cherry angiomas, the spots will initially appear darker or gray. Over the next few days, the pigment is brought to the skin surface, then flakes away. Smaller pigmentation spots and cherry angiomas are usually successfully treated in one session, although two sessions are sometimes needed. During vascular treatments, the blood vessels will usually disappear or shrink immediately. Many facial veins are removed in a single session, although some veins can come back in the first few weeks. For this reason, we recommend a repeat treatment in one month as needed.

Laser facials may need some downtime afterward. Redness, some swelling/puffiness, red marks, or bruises can occur after vein treatments. This is common and usually lasts from 1-8 days. The more veins treated, the more redness you can expect. It is important to keep the skin cool and moisturized afterward to heal the fastest possible.

Restrictions: Moles or lesions with any thickness CANNOT be treated. In addition, a laser facial can only be performed safely on lighter skin types (types I-III).


A laser facial costs $400.

Schedule an Appointment

Call us at 206-216-4957 or fill out our request form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to treating you.